曲径通幽 发表于 2014-4-17 22:13:18




Spring Garden Memorize the Mr.Li Shaochun and his ninetieth birthday
By Wu RuYi

The sage of the time
Foster character in prime
Charming in the world
Follow the immortal feature
Set the noble nature
Pursue the essential culture
Uphold the new future
Clear in brain, Nimble in action
Learned and determined to fulfill ambition
By virtue of quintessence of nation
Be admired by the future generation

Lead the operatic circle
Who can compare you?
With passion, soaring to the sky
With honor, a deep sigh
Hold the red lantern high
Against currents the talents ply
The eternal masterpieces lie
In the Wild Boar Forest
The snow blow the love and rue
Recall the youth prime
Your figure fair vanished for aye
Pursue elegant rhyme I try
(Tr.Qi LingLing;Proofread by Zhao Yanchun)
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查看完整版本: 吾如仪:沁园春•忆李少春先生并纪念先生九旬诞辰(齐玲玲译)