曲径通幽 发表于 2011-7-31 22:03:31



作者:   鲁    迅审校:海外逸士英译:宛城卧龙
海外逸士,原籍上海。双语作家及双语诗人﹐自幼爱好文学,特好诗词。其专业是英文。现居美国﹐为美国新州文心社成员﹐纽约诗词学会会员﹐全美神秘小说作家协会会员﹐加州好莱坞名诗人俱乐部荣誉诗人(后两者乃英文的)。并已名列美国国会图书馆出版之全美名人录2003年后各版中。已出版之中文著作有《新西游记》﹑《荒唐女侠》及报章杂志上各类文章诗歌。其英文著作有USEFUL STRATEGIES IN EVERYDAYLIFE、EMPRESS DOWAGERCIXI、KUNGFUMASTERS、EMPRESS WUTHEGREAT等,英文诗集POETICGEMS,翻译著作《诗词英译》等。爱思英语网专栏作家。新浪博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/xlwoo;爱思英语网翻译专栏:http://www.24en.com/column/xlwoo/
宛城卧龙,曾就读于北京外国语大学,习英文,中共党员.文学翻译爱好者,尤好诗词翻译。自2008年10月发表第一篇文学翻译作品以来已在国内外纸刊杂志发表文学类翻译近二百篇。《世界诗人》(双语对照)副主编。中国诗歌学会官网翻译版版主,爱思英语网专栏作家。 2011将首次出版由本人担当英译的文学著作三种,并出版文学类著作一种(主持翻译该书的翻译栏目)。以及出版分担英译的文学著作一种。新浪博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiushi3515088 爱思英语网翻译专栏:http://www.24en.com/column/wanglei/

曲径通幽 发表于 2011-7-31 22:04:15


曲径通幽 发表于 2011-7-31 22:04:58


When I am silent, I feel full. I shall open my mouth,simultaneous feeling empty.
The past life has died. I have great happiness to this death, because by this I know it once survived. The dead life has rotted. I have a great happiness to this rot, because by this I know it is not emptiness.   
The mud of life is discarded on the ground, no trees growing on it, but weeds. This is my fault.
Weeds, the root is not so deep, flower and leaf is not so beautiful, but absorbing dew, and water, absorbing blood and flesh of dead persons. All rob its existence. When living, it will suffer stamping, and be uprooted,
until death and rot.
But I am frank, joyful. I will laugh. I will sing.
I love my weeds, but I abhor this ground using weeds for adornment.
Underground fire burns under the ground, rushing about. Once lava spouts, it will burn out all weeds,and trees, then nothing will rot.
But I am frank, joyful. I will laugh. I will sing.
Heaven and earth are so solemn and quiet. I can not laugh and sing. Even if heaven and earth are not so solemn and quiet, perhaps I will not be so. I use this tuft of weed, whether in light or in dark, alive or dead, in past or in future, to offer to friend or enemy, man or beast, those who love or love not, for verification.      
For myself, for friend and enemy, man and beast, those who love and love
not, I hope that rot of theweed comes immediately, otherwise, I haen't lived.This is worse than death and rot.   
Go away, weeds, with my forewords!

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查看完整版本: 【名作英译】鲁迅《野草》英译/宛城卧龙