一 英语诗歌中的韵律
诗人比其他的作家更注重语言的音乐性,他们常常通过语言的音乐性来烘托或加强他们所要表达的思想内容。爱伦·坡说,诗歌就是“音乐……与愉快思想的结合”(‘musical … combined with a pleasurable idea’);庞德说,“诗歌离开音乐太远就残缺了”(‘Poetry atrophies where it gets too far from music’);而托马斯·卡莱尔则干脆说,诗歌就是“音乐思想”(‘musical thought’)。
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.
上面的四行其实不是诗(poetry),只能称其为韵文(verse),内容也没有什么意义,但整个四行音韵清晰有味,节奏感很强,读起来琅琅顺口,因此,孩子们喜欢。在这四行中,几乎有一半的词都是辅音“p”开头的头韵,一、三行的短音‘hot−pot’压韵,二、四行的长音 ‘cold−old’压韵;还有‘pease porridge’三次重复。英语诗中称这种诗为“nonsense poetry”,就内容而言,这种诗往往是一种胡说八道,它的存在多半是由于它的音乐效果所产生的谐趣。
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
(from Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray)
什么是韵? 押韵的语言是一种特殊的语言,尽管现代诗歌不太讲究押韵,但诗歌中的韵毕竟是区分诗和其他文学品种的重要标志之一,也是诗歌音乐性的重要因素之一。 “韵”是和谐之音,广义言之,英语中的“韵”就是任何两个相同的音的重复,包括元音或辅音的重复。狭义言之,英语中的“韵”是诗行末尾几个单词音节读音的一致。
在英语中,“韵”指的是单词相同的发音,而不是单词的拼写,如“calm—arm”,“light—height”, “time—rhyme”,“no—know”,“hay—sleigh”,这四对词,尽管每对词拼写不一样,但每一对词中的元音或元音后面辅音的发音都相同,所以它们都分别押韵。
韵律(rhyme scheme)是指一首诗中韵式的安排, 常用一个斜体字母代表诗行末尾某个相同的韵,如下面诗节的韵律(pattern of rhyme)是ababcbcd:
When we two parted aIn silence and tears, bHalf broken-hearted, aTo sever for years, bPale grew thy cheek and cold, cColder thy kiss; dTruly that hour foretold cSorrow to this! d(From When We Two Parted by George Gordon Byron)
韵一般都落在诗行末尾的重读音节上,这种韵称之为阳韵(masculine rhyme),如:
Since to look at things bloom a
Fifty springs are little room, a
About the woodland I will go b
To see the cherry hung with snow. b
(From Loveliest of Trees by A.E. Housman)
如果单词重读音节后的非重读音节读音也一致,这种韵就称之为阴韵(feminine rhyme),如:
And will make thee beds of roses a
And a thousand fragrant poses; a
A cap of flower,and a kirtle, b
Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle. b
(From Marlow's Passionate Shipherd) 韵的种类 英语中韵的种类可细分成很多类。其种类可以按照发音的情况、在诗行中的位置和押韵音节的多少来分类,下面分别介绍:
(1)按照发音的情况来分,英语中有元音韵 (assonance) 和辅音韵 (consonance):
1)元音韵是相同元音的重复,如“time—tide”, “free—easy”, “born—warm”,“hard and fast”等。拜伦在他的 She Walks in Beauty 一诗中,元音 在下面两行诗中重复了四次,描写和强调出了那不可名状的美:
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace.
2)辅音韵是相同辅音的重复,如 “first and last”, “odds and ends”,“short and sweet”, “a stroke of luck”。W. H. 奥登在下面的诗行中有意运用了辅音韵(r和d),以求达到某种特殊的效果:“‘O where are you going?’said reader to rider”(其中的辅音“r”是头韵)。
(2)按照押韵所在位置来分,有尾韵(end rhyme),头韵(alliteration)和行中韵(internal rhyme):
1)尾韵(end rhyme)顾名思义落在诗行之末尾,前面已经提到,这是诗歌中运用最多的押韵方式。不同的诗节尾韵有不同的韵律安排,以四行诗为例,有aabb,abab,abcb, abba, aaab等押韵方式,英语诗歌中以双行押韵和隔行押韵最常见:
a)Ask me no more where Jove bestows a
When June is past, the fading rose; a
For in your beauty‘s orient deep b
These flowers, as in their causes, sleep. b
(From Song by Thomas Carew)
b)Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright, a
The bridal of the earth and sky; b
The dew shall weep thy fall to night, a
For thy must die. b
(From Virtue by George Herbert)
英语诗歌中的民谣体(ballad stanza)主要采用“abcb”式的韵律安排,如:
It is an ancient Mariner, aAnd he stoppeth one of three. b—“By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, cNow wherefore stopp'st thou me? b(from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Talor Coleridge)
(from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Talor Coleridge)
I envy not in any moods a
The captive void of noble rage, b
The linnet born within the cage, b
That never knew the summer woods; a
(from In Memoriam A. H. H. 27 by Alfred, Lord Tennyson)
2)头韵(alliteration,也称beginning rhyme),这主要是指诗行中单词开头辅音的重复。在“His death is a bitter blow to me”中, ‘bitter blow’两个单词中重复了词首字母‘b’,起到了强调的作用。在成语中,头韵是常见不鲜的,如 ‘good as gold’, ‘safe and sound’, ‘thick and thin’, ‘right as rain’, ‘with might and main’。头韵用得好,读者会从中发现某种惟妙惟肖的联系。在下面的例子中,“married” 与 “marred”, “mice” 与 “men”诗人运用头韵,分别巧妙地暗示了他们之间的内在联系。
a)A young man married is a man that's marred.
(William Shakespeare: All's Well that Ends Well, II.iii)
b)The fair breeze blow, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.
(From The Ancient Marriner by S.T. Coleridge)
c)But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid scheme o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft a gley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promised joy!
(From To a Mouse by Robert Burns)
头韵在Anglo-Saxon 时期的诗歌中是一种非常普遍而重要的押韵方式:
In a somer seson - when soft was the sonne,
I shope me in shrouds - as I a shep were,
In habite as an hermite - unholy of werkes
Went wyde in this worlde - wondres to here.
Ac on a May mornynge - on Malvern hulles
Me byfel a ferly - of fairy, me thoughte;
I was wery forwandred - and went me to reste
Under a broke banke - by a bornes side,
And as I lay and lened - and loked in the waters
I slombred in a slepyng - it sweyved so merye.
(William Langland: Prologue to Piers Plowman lines 1 - 10)
In a summer season, when soft was the sunlight,
I shook on some shreds shepherd clothing
And habited like a hermit, but not a holy one,
Went wide in this world, watching for wonders.
But on a May morning, on a Malvern hilltop,
A marvel befell me, as might a fairy-tale.
I was weary and far-wandered and went to rest myself
On a broadish bank by a running brook,
And as I lay leaning and looking in the water
I slipped into a slumber, it slid away so merrily.
(Modern version by Nevill Cahill?)
Anglo-Saxon 时期的诗歌,每行有四个重音(偶尔也增加到5个重音),中间有一停顿把诗行隔成前后两部分,每部分各有两个重音。诗行中的前三个重音都押头韵,最后一个重音则不必押韵。
14世纪以后,英语诗歌主要以音节的数目为诗行长短的标准,但头韵一直被诗人们沿用着,或用以强调意思,或使声音有一种回环往复的音乐感,如在 “round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran”一行诗中,头韵就起到了上述的效果。
元音有时也能作头韵,如“all the awful auguries”,但用得比较少。
需要提醒一下的是,头韵也不是以拼写而是以发音为准的,如“Know” 和 “nail”是押头韵, 但是 “know”和“key” 则不能视为押头韵。
3) 行中韵(Internal rhyme)是诗行中间的某一个或几个词中的某个音与行末那个词的重读音节押韵,如:
For my mind, of all mankind,
I love but you alone.
(From the ballad The Nut-Brown Maid)
Her goodly eyes like sapphires shining bright,
Her forehead ivory white(Edmund Spencer).
其中这个音反复出现在“eyes”, “like”, “sapphires”, “shining”, “bright”, “ivory” 和“white”之中,这是典型的行中韵。从这个例子可以看出,押韵的词也可分别出现在上下两行。如下面两行中的"fair" 和 "air"也算是行中韵:
We have seen thee, O Love, thou art fair, thou art goodly, O Love;
Thy wings make light in the air as wings of dove.
(Algernon Charles Swinburne)
(3) 按押韵音节的多少来分,有阳韵(masculine rhyme)和阴韵(feminine rhyme),前面已经提到,其中阳韵只有一个重读音节押韵,如果用得恰当,能表现出阳刚之气或激昂的情感,如拜抡的“Greek War Song”的尾韵押的就是阳韵,与内容结合紧密,韵律是a b a b,现录该诗的第一节为例:
Sons of Greeks, arise! a
The glorious hours gone forth, b
And, worthy of such ties, a
Display who gave us birth. b
Under the greenwood tree a
Who loves to live with me, a
And turn his merry note b
Unto the sweet bird’s throat. b
—W. Shakespeare: Under the Green wood Tree
阴韵涉及到两个或两个以上的音节同时押韵,即不仅重读音节押韵,重读以后的非重读音节也押韵。阴韵常用在具有喜剧气氛的诗(comic verse)中, 能帮助表达一种嬉戏、轻佻或轻松的情感;但如果在一般比较严肃的诗中用得恰当,也能起到很好的效果,如:
a)We poets in our youth begin in gladness,
But thereof come in the end despondency and madness.
(From Resolution and Independence by William Wordsworth)
b)Teach me to hear mermaid’s singing
Or to keep off envy’s stinging.
(From Song by John Donne)
c)The age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse and worst
Times still succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time;
And while ye may, go marry,
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.
(From To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick)
Written in March
The cock is crowing,
The stream is flowing,
The small birds twitter,
The lake does glitter,
The green fields sleeps in the sun;
The oldest and the youngest
Are at work with the strongest;
The cattle are grazing,
Their heads never raising;
There are forty like one.
Like an army defeated
The snow has retreated,
And now does fare ill
On the top of the beare hill;
The plowboy is whooping—anon—anon:
There’s joy in the nountains;
There’s life in the fountains;
Small clouds are sailing,
Blue sky prevailing;
The rain is over and gong!
一William Wordsworth
(4) 就押韵的性质而言,在英诗中有完全韵(perfect rhyme)和不完全韵 (imperfect rhyme)之分。
在完全韵中,除了重读音节中的元音必须是相同外,元音之后的辅音也必须是相同的,如“red—bread”, “deep—leap—steep”, “wealthily—stealthily”, “walk to her—talk to her”等。
不完全韵只有辅音相同,如在“sun—bone—moon—rain—green—thin”中,它们的元音读音不同,但每个词的词尾都有辅音“n”,其实,这是一种辅音韵,或称之为“半韵”(half或partial rhyme)。
英语中还有一种情况,即单词拼写一样,但发音不一样,如“plough—through”, “blow—cow”,严格说,二者不能算是押韵,但诗人们偶尔也利用这种形式以求达到某种目的。在英语诗歌中这种情况称之为“眼韵”(eye rhyme),顾名思义,因为拼写相同,眼睛看上似乎发音也应该是相同的。其他类似的例子如“rough—dough”, “idea—plea”, “Venus—menus”。Christopher Marlowe的 The Passionate Shepherd to His Love一诗中的“love—prove”和move— love就是属于这种韵:
Come live with me and be my love
And we will all the pleasure prove
If these delights thy minds may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
He who the ox to wrath has moved
Still never be by woman loved.
a) And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall,
By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell.
(Wilfred Owen: Strange Meeting)
The little boy who says “I’ll try”
Will climb to the hill-top.’
The little boy who says “I can't”
Will at the bottom stop.
“I’ll try” does great things every day,
“I can't” gets nothing done;
Be sure then that you say “I’ll try”
And let “I can’t” alone.
(I’ll Try by C. Rossetti)
韵在诗中的作用 韵在诗中的作用,前面在分述中已经提到一些,总的来说,诗中的韵不仅便于吟诵和记忆,更能使作品具有节奏、声调之美,具体一点说,诗韵运用得当能起到下列四个方面的效果:
1) 押韵的语言像音乐一样,听起来能给人一种愉悦感。
2) 押韵的语言特别容易记忆。小孩喜欢读押韵的儿歌,原因多半在这两个因素。
3) 因为韵是语音的重复,重复往往能表达某种强调的作用,所以,诗人利用韵来强调某个词语所表达的意思。
4) 英语诗人有时利用韵律帮助组织诗篇的思想内容,这时,诗中的韵律可以指导和帮助读者理解内容结构。莎士比亚的十四行诗基本上就是按照韵律来组织思想内容的,柯勒律治的“Kubla Khan”(《忽必烈汗》)和奥登的“The Unknown Citizen”两首诗中的韵律都与内容有着密切的关系,描述的内容变了,韵也改变了。
Julius Caesar,
The Roman geezer,
Squashed his wife with a lemon squeezer.
诗人用韵把Caesar- geezer- squeezer三者连系在一起,令人惊奇不已,或捧腹大笑。又如,在Robert Herrick写的下面的两行诗句中,诗人把decaying和a-Maying用韵连接起来,形成强烈的对比:
The while time serves, and we are but decaying,
Come, my Corina, come, let‘s go a-Maying.
但是,如果韵运用不当,就会显得单调,正如Alexander Pope描述的那样,
Where're you finding “the cooling western breeze”,
In the next line it “whispers through the trees”;
If crystal streams “with pleasing murmurs creep”,
The reader’s threatened (not in vein) with “sleep”.
这是为押韵而押韵,是没有价值的韵,这样的韵只会令人听了昏昏入睡。在严肃的诗篇中,韵不应该是单纯的装饰品,而应该是诗人表达思想内容的形式之一,应该能给人有新鲜感,能起到“船舵”(rudder)的“导航”(steer their courses)作用。诗人用韵应该如17世纪诗人Samuel Butler所说的那样:
Rhyme the rudder is of verses,
With which, like ships, they steer their courses.