瑞典诗人托马斯·特兰斯特勒默获诺贝尔文学奖2011-10-06 19:07:32 来源:新华网 有2427人参与
http://img1.cache.netease.com/catchpic/4/4E/4E5BACA91FB39FD0F6091B72064BBFCF.jpg新华网快讯:瑞典诗人托马斯·特兰斯特勒默获得2011年诺贝尔文学奖。托马斯·特朗斯特罗姆(Tomas Transtromer),1931年生于瑞典。1954年发表诗集《17首诗》,轰动诗坛。至今共发表163首诗,除《17首诗》外的作品结集为《途中的秘密》、《半完成的天空》、《音色和足迹》、《看见黑暗》、《野蛮的广场》、《为生者和死者》和《悲哀贡多拉》十部诗集。1990年患脑溢血导致右半身瘫痪后,仍坚持纯诗写作。他善于从日常生活入手,把有机物和科学结合到诗中,作品多短小、精炼,往往用意象和隐喻来塑造个人的内心世界,把激烈的情感寄于平静的文字里。他被誉为当代欧洲诗坛最杰出的象征主义和超现实主义大师。多次获诺贝尔学奖提名。1992年诺贝尔文学奖得主沃尔科特曾说:“瑞典文学院应毫不犹豫地把诺贝尔文学奖颁发给特朗斯特罗姆,尽管他是瑞典人。”诺贝尔委员会颁奖词:通过凝炼、透彻的意象,他为我们提供了通向现实的新途径。(Through his condensed translucent images he gives us fresh access to reality)托马斯·特兰斯特勒默的诗果戈理/北岛译
读北岛的译诗,我以为并不咋样,我们站的翻译老师们能否找到原作来看看。 好的 admin 发表于 2011-10-6 22:20 static/image/common/back.gif
好的,我去找找 The Tree and the Sky
There’s a tree walking around in the rain,
it rushes past us in the pouring grey.
It has an errand. It gathers life
out of the rain like a blackbird in an orchard.
When the rain stops so does the tree.
There it is, quiet on clear nights
waiting as we do for the moment
when the snowflakes blossom in space.
本帖最后由 西铁 于 2011-10-7 08:12 编辑
Seven poems by Tomas Tranströmer
National Insecurity
The Under Secretary leans forward and draws an X
and her ear-drops dangle like swords of Damocles.
As a mottled butterfly is invisible against the ground
so the demon merges with the opened newspaper.
A helmet worn by no one has taken power.
The mother-turtle flees flying under the water.
After a black day, I play Haydn,
and feel a little warmth in my hands.
The keys are ready. Kind hammers fall.
The sound is spirited, green, and full of silence.
The sound says that freedom exists
and someone pays no tax to Caesar.
I shove my hands in my haydnpockets
and act like a man who is calm about it all.
I raise my haydnflag. The signal is:
“We do not surrender. But want peace.”
The music is a house of glass standing on a slope;
rocks are flying, rocks are rolling.
The rocks roll straight through the house
but every pane of glass is still whole.
The Couple
They switch off the light and its white shade
glimmers for a moment before dissolving
like a tablet in a glass of darkness. Then up.
The hotel walls rise into the black sky.
The movements of love have settled, and they sleep
but their most secret thoughts meet as when
two colours meet and flow into each other
on the wet paper of a schoolboy’s painting.
It is dark and silent. But the town has pulled closer
tonight. With quenched windows. The houses have approached.
They stand close up in a throng, waiting,
a crowd whose faces have no expressions.
After a Death
Once there was a shock
that left behind a long, shimmering comet tail.
It keeps us inside. It makes the TV pictures snowy.
It settles in cold drops on the telephone wires.
One can still go slowly on skis in the winter sun
through brush where a few leaves hang on.
They resemble pages torn from old telephone directories.
Names swallowed by the cold.
It is still beautiful to hear the heart beat
but often the shadow seems more real than the body.
The samurai looks insignificant
beside his armor of black dragon scales.
2 A.M. moonlight. The train has stopped
out in a field. Far off sparks of light from a town,
flickering coldly on the horizon.
As when a man goes so deep into his dream
he will never remember he was there
when he returns again to his view.
Or when a person goes so deep into a sickness
that his days all become some flickering sparks, a swarm,
feeble and cold on the horizon
The train is entirely motionless.
2 o’clock: strong moonlight, few stars.
Under Pressure
The blue sky’s engine-drone is deafening.
We’re living here on a shuddering work-site
where the ocean depths can suddenly open up
shells and telephones hiss.
You can see beauty only from the side, hastily.
The dense grain on the field, many colours in a yellow stream.
The restless shadows in my head are drawn there.
They want to creep into the grain and turn to gold.
Darkness falls. At midnight I go to bed.
The smaller boat puts out from the larger boat.
You are alone on the water.
Society’s dark hull drifts further and further away.
Translated by Robin Fulton from New and Collected Poems by Tomas Tranströmer by Robin Fulton, published by Bloodaxe Books (www.bloodaxebooks.com).