——和雨玲《冬雪恋》·天女轻柔地摇荡细箩摇下晶莹嫩白的雪芽我们两个人品着香茗听着窗外婆娑的情话 ·天神粗旷地摆荡天筛摇下大片飞舞的雪花我们两个人温上老酒听着情话羞红了脸颊 我们两个人温上老酒听着情话羞红了脸颊
诗意很美,谢谢诗兄好和! Love Talk Fluttering like Snow outside the Window
---In Reply to Angela Ren's Love of Winter Snow
By Ke Xueshi
Tr.Angela Ren
The fairy gently sways the basket of bamboo
To let down crystalline white sprouts of snow
We two sip tea, a really exquisite brew
Hearing from outside the window a love talk go
The dainty rocks the heaven sieve with a move bold
To sift down large patches of snowflakes that fly
We two drink wine, a really good wine, age old
Hearing the love talk and our cheeks burn red,so shy