赵彦春英译任雨玲《玉兔吟》 The Luna Rabbit 文/任雨玲 By Angela Ren Tr. Zahao Yanchun 绵绵情缘何时了,碌碌红尘几人归 ----------------------------题记 When does life come to the end with its loss and gain? Who's returning to the dust, having tried in vain? ----Note 几番轮回 How many a transmigration? 雪花飘落梅花开枝头 Snowflakes fall on the plum trees as they bloom. 梦里醉一回 My dream with intoxication 为谁憔悴 Grows thin and thinner, thin for whom? 几度春秋 How many years one may have spanned ? 纵然蝴蝶飞不过沧海 Butterflies can ne'er across the sea fly. 岁月的印记 The time carries with it a brand: 谁是谁非 Who's done right, and who's gone awry. 爱恨情仇 To love,to hate, to kiss, to kill, 霓裳羽衣曲歌舞徘徊 The dancer sings and lingers, fabulously clad 凄迷的广寒 In that lonely palace so chill. 谁喜谁悲 Who feels happy, and who feels sad? 吟风弄月十二载 For twelve years she's sung to the wax and wane, 碌碌红尘今朝归 Now back to the dust, having tried in vain. (作于:2011--02--07京) |