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马世成散文诗二首( 任雨玲英译)

发表于 2011-8-8 22:08:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





Prose poems
By Ma Shicheng

◎Old people and old house

The old house was stitched up with crewel needles by the old generations, unique and fine, but there are rusty spots everywhere now. Whenever the old man coughs suddenly, the old house will quiver. There are dusts in the air.
The old man is old now, and the house is old too; the old man likes to tell ghost stories in the old house.
The old man has told the stories all his life. We have dreamed half our lives.
The old man left, and the stories have stayed in the old house.
Therefore, the old house is like a letter, and it will bring the news from the old man at any times.
Soon after, the old house left after the old man……we are now living a life without the old house.


That is the place the crops drink. The swallows are waiting there impatiently.
Therefore, the spring is walking downstairs the terrace slowly, and the rivers are showing their graceful figures.
It seems the warm winds blow the grass taller overnight, cattles and sheep look around, then part unwillingly.
Aunts’ back baskets are heavier than the gold, they are happy in minds, like an apple tree.
That is their Noah’s Ark. They rush here from everywhere.
When they light a seed in the soil, the autumn will be a golden volcano.

(Tr.Angela Ren,Proofread by  李景琪•猎人hunter560)

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