□任雨玲(Angela Ren)
你莫问我今夜婵娟哪儿去了 你没发现相思园里落叶萧萧
有一个憔悴的人儿独守闺房 从云鬓青青直等到白发飘飘
你莫问我婵娟是否芳心已变 你不知道那对玉镯来历非凡
那一只在她的腕上保存完好 这一只在我的手上视若心肝
你若问我今夜婵娟为何遮面 你可晓得琶声再美为谁而弹
虽说一衣带水却被人为阻断 人的一生能有几个甲子之年
你若问我统一之梦何时能圆 你要坚信这是两岸共同心愿
准备好迎中秋庆团圆的美酒 我们每个人都是祖国的婵娟
Ode to Bright Moonshine
Chinese text : Angela Ren English version: (Frank) Huang Xinqu
" May we enjoy a lasting peaceful life,
And share the bright moonshine across a thousand miles!"
Su Shi (1036-1101 AD)
Ask me not where has the bright moon gone this evening,
Have you ever found the chilly fallen leaves in the love garden ?
A withered young lady waits alone in her maiden chamber,
Till her pretty dark hair has turned grey streaked with silvery white.
Ask me not if her pure heart has changed at all,
Don't you know that pair of jade bracelet has a strange tale?
He has kept that one over his wrist safe and sound,
While this one over my hand is an apple of my eye.
If you ask me why the moonshine is not in the air,
Do you know for whom her pretty lute is played so fine?
Nobody knows how and why Mainland is cut off with Taiwan,
Tell me how many sixty years can we enjoy in our life span?
If you ask me when the dream comes true for our national reunion,
Be sure to keep a firm belief in our frame of mind:
It's the common will of the folks from either side of the Straits,
Try to serve us the best wine to greet that day of Great Reunion!
Lo, Everyone of us is the bright moonshine for our homeland!
2011.8.18 first draft
主要著(译)作有:《鲁迅诗歌》英文译注本 1979年5月在香港三联书店和伦敦光华书店联合出版并在欧洲独家发行;
《红楼梦》英文缩写本(1991年9月由北京外语教学与研究出版社出版,该书的美国版于1994年11月由美国紫竹出版公司出版,并由旧金山中国图书公司在全球发行。)《英美抒情诗选萃》(英汉对照);《译海浪花- 黄新渠译文译诗和创作选集》、《生活的碎片-黄新渠诗选》等诗歌散文创作和论文多篇。
1987年5月获四川省作家协会颁发《杰出文学翻译成就奖》,1999年12月获四川省第三届文学奖,2001年2月荣获成都市人民政府颁发《第五届金芙蓉文学奖特别奖》。黄教授曾被列入《中国翻译家辞典》、《中国作家大辞典》等。还被美国传记研究院选入《二十世纪500世界英才录》(第11版);并已收入英国剑桥传记研究院编篡《国际知识界名人录》(第13版)。 |